Dental Hygiene: All About Scaling
It is not at all difficult to have and maintain good dental hygiene. Just follow very simple rules:
- make sure to brush your teeth effectively at least twice a day,
- to use dental floss and
- to visit his dentist for scaling regularly.
But that does not mean that dental problems will be eradicated. However, you may still face some problems that are easy to prevent.
What is dental plaque?
The formation of dental plaque is completely natural and does not result from any dental problem. However, it should be eliminated with effective toothbrushing, at least twice a day, and not to ignore the annual visit to the dentist.
Plaque is a whitish sticky coating that regularly deposits on the surface of teeth and gums. It compromises oral health since it is, in particular, the origin
- cavities,
- progressive destruction of the tooth or
- certain infections.
In the composition of dental plaque, there are various elements such as different bacteria, cell waste, salivary proteins and tiny food residues.
What is dental calculus?
Dental tartar is formed from the mineralization and calcification of dental plaque, the latter then being thickened and hardened. We can, therefore, speak of an aggravated form of dental plaque that has not been eliminated. It should be noted that saliva plays a role in the formation of tartar because the minerals found most in it are calcium and magnesium crystals which come from the salivary glands. The parts most affected by tartar are:
- the lower incisors,
- the inner side of the tooth and
- the outer side of the upper molars.
These parts are found near the excretory ducts of the salivary glands, coming from the submandibular gland. However, tartar can affect other teeth in the event of poor oral hygiene.
We can distinguish two types of dental calculus, including:
- supra-gingival tartar which is whitish and visible to the naked eye and
- the subgingival calculus which, located on the gum, is hidden by it and is of a dark brown color.
If dental plaque can be removed regularly through effective tooth brushing and the use of dental floss, dental calculus is resistant to the toothbrush and must be descaled by the dentist.
Descaling frequency necessary for dental health
Even if you have good habits regarding dental hygiene, areas, where the toothbrush is difficult to access, are conducive to the formation of dental calculus, a consequence of the mineralization of dental plaque which has not been removed.
Prevention: dental floss and toothbrush!
In addition to descaling, the rules of good oral hygiene are relatively simple: effective tooth brushing and the use of dental floss or floss, after each meal or at least twice a day, each session of brushing should last 2 to 3 minutes. You can also use interdental brushes to complete the action of dental floss. In addition, it should not be forgotten that it is preferable to use a toothbrush with flexible bristles since these slip easily between the teeth while the hard bristles are far from being effective since they fail to bend to slip between the teeth. In the same way, it is better to opt for a toothbrush with a small head, because it will be more likely to reach the areas furthest from your mouth.